Neha Ruch is the founder of Mother Untitled, the leading platform for ambitious women leaning into family life. A thought leader, influencer, and sought-after speaker focusing on women, work, parenting and identity, Neha’s transformative insights and reframes resonate with the hundreds of thousands of women in the Mother Untitled community and beyond.

Her book, The Power Pause is a first-of-its-kind, interactive guide to approaching stay-at-home motherhood or a downshifted career as an enriching chapter — the opposite of a death knell for a woman’s professional life. You can order it here. She discusses the book in great detail on this week’s episode.

Hosted by Dr. Sheryl Ziegler.

Please follow Dr. Ziegler on Instagram.

Sign up for Dr. Ziegler’s newsletter at her website.

You can pre-order Dr. Ziegler’s new book, The Crucial Years: The Essential Guide to Mental Health and Modern Puberty in Middle Childhood (Ages 6-12) at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target or your local book retailer.

About the author

Sheryl Gonzalez Ziegler, Psy.D. holds a Doctorate of Psychology, is an Author, Speaker, National Media Contributor, Non-Profit Board Member, Girl Scouts Leader, Girls on the Run Coach and Advocate for children.

She has been treating children and families for over twenty years with areas of expertise in anxiety, trauma, divorce, stress management and depression.

Dr. Ziegler is the author of the best selling book, Mommy Burnout: how to reclaim your life and raise healthier children in the process, the winner of Best Parenting Book of 2018 as awarded by International Latino Book Awards.

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