The Crucial Years

the essential guide to mental health and modern puberty in middle childhood (ages 6-12)

The Crucial Years

"I’ll be recommending this book to every parent I know! It is truly essential reading. I learned so much while reading it. I’m so grateful to you for demystifying the middle childhood years and empowering parents to raise kinder, healthier kids!" - Sara P.

This book has been in the works for a while now, focusing middle childhood and mental health. It's finally in it's last stages and being released shortly. Sign up to the newsletter to be the first to know about release date.

"This is a must-read book. 

It will change your life."

"I needed this book.

I had heard about burnout in sports and in your career, but I hadn't considered how burnout could affect us in motherhood."

"She really gets it.

Her book is a great tool women can use to build a more sustainable life for themselves and their families."

About the Author

Sheryl Ziegler, Psy.D. holds a Doctorate in Psychology and is a Registered Play Therapist in private practice. She is the author of Mommy Burnout: how to reclaim your life and raise healthier children in the process. She is a regular national and local news contributor on topics related to parenting and mental health and did a Tedx talk on "Why Moms are Miserable" which is all about the power of connection.

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