For more than two decades, Rebecca Rosen has served as an ambassador

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For more than two decades, Rebecca Rosen has served as an ambassador
Jessica Speer is the highly acclaimed author of books for kids and
In 2008, Rebecca Fogg walked away from her New York life and successful career in
Rachel Arbor is the PK-8 Coordinator of Environmental Education for the Garrison
Cynthia (Cindy) Muchnick, a graduate of Stanford University, is an expert in
Estelle Erasmus is an award-winning journalist, writing coach, and longtime ASJA member
Elizabeth Pearson is the author of Career Confinement: How to Free Yourself,
Dr. Sarabeth Berk is the leading expert on hybrid professional identity, and
Stacey Delo is the CEO of Après, which acquired her website, Maybrooks,
On Our Sleeves is a national movement to break stigmas around children’s
Corinne Crossley, LMHC received her masters degree in Counseling Psychology and is
Lisa González has been passionate about supporting entrepreneurial leaders and their teams